Thursday, 3 July 2008

Part 6 What I am FOR - Tears

Heaven knows we need never be ashamed of our tears, for they are rain upon the blinding dust of earth, overlying our hard hearts. - Great Expectations, Charles Dickens

The only cynics worth listening to are the ones who cry. 

Anyone can criticise - there is much to lament, much to admonish, much to rebuke. Yet increasingly I do not trust my vicious tongue to do so. It is so easy to fall into judgmental attitudes and habits. And it is tempting to view myself as a crusader for justice and righteousness, but righteous convictions can quickly lead to self-righteous behaviour. 

I am determined to stand up for what I think is right and to what I believe to be good practice. Jesus operated this way - scolding Pharisees and others when they were way off the mark.  But I have begun to put a check on my heart when doing so:

Do I still cry?

How hardened and cynical has my heart become? Is my default position cynicism or is it compassion?

The only cynics worth listening to are the ones who cry.

What soap is for the body, tears are for the soul. ~Jewish Proverb

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