Ok, just so you know there is no chance of me getting a pay rise so this isn't some big suck up.
I've met a lot of talented and renowned worship leaders and song writers in my time, including many men and women of God who have blessed the wider church in immeasurable ways. And to my mind there is one who is head and shoulders above the rest; Matt Redman.
However saying that there is another worship leader who I think has grasped what it truly means to love and serve the church; to be committed to building the community of believers with a truly Kingdom perspective: Mr. Neil M. Bennetts.
He would be the first to say that he's not the best guitarist or vocalist (actually, I'd probably say it first as a joke - but he'd humbly agree), yet in terms of establishing values, working in unity, steering a church towards worship, equipping a church with songs, building and progressing a team and, crucially, leading the church into God's presence - there is no-one I've met to match him.
As modern worship leaders increasingly resemble the rock stars they wish they could be, Neil remains undistracted by the glamour and celebrity of the era - even when we have a big church and we help run a regional conference. So many would seek to 'build' on that or to 'bless' the wider church. Instead, almost all his efforts and thoughts go into what God is doing in Trinity Cheltenham. Selfish? No, obedient.
When Emilie and I moved to Northern Ireland in 2003, Neil was pretty much the only worship leader from England who stayed in touch - even though we didn't know each other that well. When he was over visiting his family he would always ring up for a coffee and was always keen to have me over and keep me involved in New Wine.
Ever since I started writing songs as a precocious teenager many 'important and influential' leaders were interested in my 'development'. However few retained any commitment once I was no longer in immediate contact or had left the glare of
Soul Survivor's limelight. Even though I was 'just doing the youth' and I was a decade and half younger (and more than a little bit of a know it all) - Neil treated me like a peer; as a co-worker in the Kingdom - even when he was heading up worship for the whole New Wine movement.
Delight in other's success is one of his trademarks.
This summer I witnessed how truly delighted he was as God moved in our church and led people into new depths of worship. As a move of the Spirit brought new intimacy and passion and wonder to our times of worship, Neil was in his element, with a simple delight in the things of the Kingdom.
Sometimes he gets more excited about my songs than his own.
He is not without his weaknesses, shortcomings and failures - but that just puts him in the same category as every great man of God I've ever met or read about. I am proud to be his friend and colleague - though make no mistake, I will continue to tease and torture him cruelly at each frequent opportunity (it is a gift I have).
I am probably going to regret this post so I better click 'Publish' before I think about it for too long.......
What he says - "We in our churches and in our ministries need to live in wonder. We can’t reduce our lives as worshippers to a set of procedures, creeds or profit and loss accounts. We need to linger in the cloud a little more - not try and explain it, manage it, control it, assess it. But pause in that place where things are mysterious and let the wonder grow. It's what brings life alive."
"I am committed but not involved"
"Who is Jay-Z?"
"Admit it, I am a design genius!"
What they say - "Neil Bennetts has been slowly but surely building a reputation as an exceptional songwriter and worship leader. His work at Trinity Cheltenham and his regular worship leading at the New Wine event has made this, his first "solo" album, long overdue and what a delight it is!" - Tony Cummings, Cross Rhythms
Finest Moment - It's a fine call between 'King of Love' or 'O Perfect Love' or employing me.