Tuesday 24 February 2009

What goes in, must come out.....

Hello to you

This is one of those self indulgent posts (surely that's what blogging is about hey?) where I tell you a load of stuff I think is cool and I try and convince you to have a look/listen at some of it. Which you should. 

You SO should.


Deerhoof - I saw them support Radiohead in 2006 and have looked out for them ever since - their album 'Friend Opportunity' is excellent - be warned - very, very quirky and angular. I love it.

Nancy Sinatra & Lee Hazelwood - Seriously. This is awesome.

I really like the new Ryan Adams & The Cardinals album 'Cardinology' - but then you knew that didn't you?

I've been listening to the new U2 album 'No Line on the Horizon' on Spotify (which is great a way to listen to music). It's alright -  first track is great, last 4 tracks are good too - the middle of the record, tracks 2-7, ranges from U2 pastiche to Rolling Stones pastiche and back to U2 pastiche. If you love U2 you should buy it - as you probably would anyway - if you are not so devoted to them, maybe only download the tracks you like..... 5 years is along time for a so-so record. That's two in a row boys.


The Wire which I mentioned here is truly incredible. I can't even begin to tell you how much quality there was on that show.

Two words. Sky Arts. B.R.I.L.L.I.A.N.T


Not seen anything really good in ages - stopped doing lovefilm (we're broke)
Though I am very excited about Watchmen
Slumdog Millionaire is almost at a level of ubiquity that will permanently put me off watching it - which is probably my loss....


There are about a billion great books in the world that none of us could possibly have the time to read but here are a few I've read this year - all amazing...

The Stand - Stephen King
Slaughterhouse 5 - Kurt Voonegut
Brave New World - Aldous Huxley
The Little Prince - french dude
A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man - James Joyce (great, but I didn't really understand it)

hope you find something to love and enjoy as much as I have.....



Anonymous said...


I'm not usually a fan of compilation albums, but this one seems to be quite good. Thought you might like to check it out:


Thanks for the recommendations.

Anonymous said...

I've just seen Slumdog Millionaire - really good, makes me want to go back to Mumbai. Don't be put off!

Anonymous said...

It seemed morally wrong to read Haddon, Vonnegut, Huxley and then The Little Prince. I'm sorry but it was not a good book.