Thursday 28 January 2010

7 Things... Part Two: Consult a Theologian

If journalling is the first rule then this is heralded as perhaps the most important.

Give your songs to a 'Theologian' to critique.

I've never done that. Not once. Not even for a line. And I think I've managed to avoid serious heresy and half truth.

In fact I've always preferred the approach of becoming a theologian, rather than 'consulting' one. I've preferred to do the reading myself; forming an orthodox theology, with a solid Christology at its centre. And that is without being a natural academic myself- I never much enjoyed academic study (I don't even have a degree!) - but when it comes to personal theological development I've always tried to take the initiative.

Which is why I've never felt the need to get a Theologian to tidy up my songs - I try to write songs that don't need tidying!

And that is what I encourage other writers to do - read; study; do a course; become a good theologian


1 comment:

Andy said...

The only thing I'd say here, is that having a relationship with God, non church day job, two kids and a wife and a poor social life, I haven't got a huge amount of time to study theology specifically!! But I take your point!! Sometimes no harm in sharing the load! :-)