Saturday 3 July 2010

Long Time, No Blog

(Warning: I may be cruel about this man)

It's been a while - certainly the longest time I've gone without blogging for the 5 years I've been doing it here and on the now defunct dailyhealthscare (which Emilie deleted and where I learned that getting cross on a blog is perhaps the biggest cliche imaginable).

So what have you been doing I don't hear you ask but I've started this imaginary conversation so I'm going to carry it on?

Well the blog took a real back seat as I was writing 2000 words of LOST recap & theory a week in the last few months of the series. (which you can read here if you are bored or addicted). Also much of what I used to post here - links, videos, music stuff etc. I now spew out onto twitter - if you are member you can follow me @davidgate or if you just want to read my inanities then you can read them - - all the cool kids are doing it, but despite that you should too - 'tis a good thing

With all that I had a moment where I've been thinking that blogging is perhaps 'sooooo 2005' - but I am going to carry on - with the intention of putting up largely church orientated stuff with some music bits and videos and that. So the same as before then? Yep. I thought we had finished the imaginary conversation a few paragraphs ago? So had I.

I know a lot more people read the blog than comment on it - that's what google analytics tells me anyway - and whenever I go somewhere new I always meet people who say "Oh I've read your blog, it's very.... (insert vague compliment with a hint of suspicion)". I know I don't always say nice things - but I think of it more of a discussion/thought provoker than absolute judgments. But I certainly aim not to say nasty-ish things about specific people (apart from John Mayer, Alex Ferguson, Simon Cowell and Piers Morgan). It's hard when on Myers-Briggs you are a highly expressed curmudgeon like I am. And even more so when you have the spiritual gifting of misanthropy. Glad to be back.

peace love & understanding


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