Thursday, 17 July 2008

Nothing to Fear

Well here it is:

Available on iTunes for £7.99  from our church shop for £9.99 (e-mail: to get one).... they'll be on sale at New Wine/Soul Survivor/Greenbelt so if you're there you'll get to see the nice packaging!




Andy said...

cool, downloading as i write this.

nice CD packaging by the way...your design or someone elses?

David Gate said...

this is Mudiwa's concept.... it has come out really well... i am pleased

Jonny Hughes said...

Nice one Dave. It looks great. Well done mate. Your loins are very fruitful at the moment aren't they?

David Gate said...

my loins are my business!

Anonymous said...

Hi, you don't know me, I was listening to your music on and found you on Google. Great music. I hope you put your new album onto one day.

I also like your blog; I haven't figured out how to read people's blogs regularly but I'm gonna try and visit yours more than once.

David Gate said...

thanks Mark... keep coming back!