Thursday 15 October 2009

Apple and Christians

'Christians don't just like Apple, they love Apple and need it to operate. On the surface, you would ask yourself how Christians could love a multibillion-dollar company with manufacturing plants in China and mass production, and that contributes to global pollution through the manufacture of consumer electronic devices.

The simple answer: Apple products tell the world you are creative and unique. They are an exclusive product line only used by every Christian college student, designer, writer, English teacher and hipster on the planet. It is important that Christians are reminded of their creativity. Remember, you need a Mac to creatively check email, creatively check websites, and creatively watch DVDs on planes.

Apple products also come with stickers. Some people put them on their computers, some people put them on windows, but to take this to the pinnacle of Christendom, you need to put the Apple sticker in the rear window of your Prius, Jetta, BMW, Subaru 4WD station wagon or Audi.

You then need to drive to a local coffeeshop (Starbucks will do at a pinch) and set up your Apple for the world to see. Thankfully, the Apple logo on the back will light up. So even in a dark place, people can see how unique and creative you (and the five other people next to you doing the exact same thing) truly are.'

taken from with the words 'white people' replaced by 'christians'. It works the same.



Ben Mizen said...

this is the most insightful thing i have read today.


Unknown said...

Best article in a long time.

Jim Archer said...
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Jim Archer said...

Funny post. I'm a worship leader in Texas trying to find information on obtaining permission to do a live recording of King of Glory by you and Matt Redman to distribute to my church family. I'm having a tough time tracking this song down. Please help me find out how to obtain such permission and how to submit any necessary royalties.

Thank you so much!

Jim Archer, The Heights Fellowship

Andy said...

Great article. I ponder this sort of thing on occasion when I'm not concerned about my own image and materialistic ways and my recent musings are on Christians and clothes and Christians and cars.

I'm a typical middle class person, I'm paid ok, I have a mortgage, 2 kids and I don't wear shabby clothes but neither do I look like I've walked out of Harrods.

I'm sure I'm judgemental in this and may be jealous that I don't have enough money to polish myself up in the latest fashion range, but when I see people walk into church in pretty hideous looking outfits and very weird haircuts(all in the name of fashion) or walking round with £300 handbags, it makes me uncomfortable. It may not be wrong but its a grey area for me. It feels like a distraction and that some folks try extremely hard to fit in with the world and obsess over fashion which is ultimately rather vacuous, and at the same timesing they're surrendering all to Jesus. I can't quite articulate my shifty feelings but they remain none the less.

On cars, I was aghast recently when a friend of mind spent £30,000 on a car and they are probably on a similar earning level to me. I simply couldn't understand this. I love cars but I refuse to buy a new one, its a waste of money, in 10 years you'll have lost all that you spent and again this makes me uncomfortable. Cars are a status symbol for some and a means to travel for others, but still spending so much money makes me feel its simply not good stewardship of what God has blessed people with. Again I'm probably jealous and my motives for writing this are mixed, but my shifty feelings again remain.

I should also do my own blog and stop clogging up yours with my ramblings.

Yours is mixed motive frustration,
