Wednesday 14 October 2009

If I thought for one minute you could do this, I'd vote for you...

'I see a country where more children grow up with security and love because family life comes first. I see a country where you choose the most important things in life - the school your child goes to and the healthcare you get. I see a country where communities govern themselves - organising local services, independent of Whitehall, a great handing back of power to people. I see a country with entrepreneurs everywhere, bringing their ideas to life - and life to our great towns and cities. I see a country where it’s not just about the quantity of money, but the quality of life - where we lead the world in saving our planet. I see a country where you’re not so afraid to walk home alone, where you’re safe in the knowledge that right and wrong is restored to law and order. I see a country where the poorest children go to the best schools not the worst, where birth is never a barrier.'

... but I don't. So I won't. Sorry Dave. Good rhetoric though.

1 comment:

Chris Fox said...

Chris Fox likes this :D